Texas Pediatric Readiness Improvement Project

    Pediatric Readiness
    Improvement Project

     A collaborative effort to improve
     community emergency department
     pediatric readiness.

About Pediatric Readiness

Nearly 20% of children seek emergency care every year — the great majority are seen in non-children’s hospitals. Pediatric readiness, a system-design framework, confers the best possible outcome for these children, regardless of hospital-wide resources. Sustained pediatric readiness is linked to increased survival in critically ill and injured children. The Texas Pediatric Readiness Improvement Project seeks to support all Texas trauma centers to achieve high levels of pediatric readiness. Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators and pediatric quality improvement efforts are the foundational steps to sustain pediatric readiness. Texas Emergency Nurses Association is collaborating with partners across the state to ensure Texas leads the nation in its commitment to high quality emergency care for every child.

To learn more about pediatric readiness in your community, please reach out to our Regional Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators (R-PECCs).

Download the Directory

Pediatric Readiness Education Series

Virtual Pediatric Education Webinars will be conducted monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 7 a.m. and recorded for viewing at a later time. Continuing education credit for nurses and EMS personnel will be available. Recorded webinars will be linked to the DSHS GETAC website as well as the TXENA website within a few days following the live broadcast, and will be accessible for the rest of the year and beyond. The basic structure for all of these webinars will include evidence-based practice recommendations, identified best practices and alignment with simulation and QI activities. Click here to register for the live presentations.

Session 1:  An Overview of Pediatric Readiness

Information regarding continuing education credit can be found on page 47 of the slide deck.

Session 4:  Traumatic Brain Injury

Session 7:  Pediatric Ingestions/Poisoning

Session 11: Pediatric Seizures

Session 2: Pediatric Assessment and Triage

Information regarding continuing education credit can be found on page 51 of the slide deck.

Session 5: Early Detection of Child Abuse and Neglect

Session 8: Shock Recognition and Management

Session 3: Respiratory Distress

Information regarding continuing education credit can be found on the last page of the slides.

Session 6: Pediatric Long-bone fractures and Pain Management by Dr. Robert Vezzetti

Session 10: Pediatric Abdominal Trauma

Simulation Training

Utilize free open-access medical simulation educational cases to improve pediatric readiness with the front line team in your emergency department.

Pediatric Readiness Resources

Learn how to make your emergency department pediatric ready with resources from the EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center.

Visit EIIC